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006HO00787 LOGAN-RED

Paradox x N. Webster Lona VG 88 x Aerostar Lisa EX 91[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”15555″ img_size=”full” alignment=”right” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” link=”http://www.abcgenetics.com/006ho00787-northwind-prdx-logan-red-et-2/”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row show_title=”” container=”” show_parallax=”” css=”.vc_custom_1510570926186{margin-bottom: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_single_image image=”8119″ img_size=”large” css_animation=”none”][vc_column_text]


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The udder, feet & legs bull! Top proof in the US and Switzerland:

High in milk, fantastic udder, strong feet and legs Average size cows Not show type cows Great working, functional Large dairy farm cows

USA : 51492588
CH: US 000.5149.2588.2
Born / Geb. / Né Le: 05/19/2003
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row show_title=”” container=”” show_parallax=”” css=”.vc_custom_1555418425224{margin-bottom: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_text_separator title=”Prueba EEUU” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-tasks” i_color=”custom” i_background_style=”rounded” i_background_color=”custom” i_size=”sm” add_icon=”true” i_custom_color=”#ffffff” i_custom_background_color=”#ee3024″ css=”.vc_custom_1554387244922{margin-bottom: 30px !important;}”][vc_row_inner css=”.vc_custom_1554524973012{margin-bottom: 20px !important;background-color: #c5dba8 !important;}” el_class=” bull-proof-name-outer”][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_custom_heading text=”006HO00787 LOGAN-RED” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:16px|text_align:left|color:%23000000|line_height:16px” google_fonts=”font_family:Roboto%3A100%2C100italic%2C300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C500%2C500italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C900%2C900italic|font_style:500%20bold%20regular%3A500%3Anormal” css=”.vc_custom_1555417364203{margin-bottom: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

Reg: HOUSA000051492588
RHA: 100%
Nacido: 05/19/2003
DMS: 456,561 aAa: 243 HRR

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Leche -39 98%R Mérito Queso $ +122
Grasa +0 +0.01% Mérito Fluido $ +151
Proteína -6 -0.02% Gestación Len. +0 GM$  +184
PPC -6 EFI 4.5%   gEFI 4.4%
Células 3.08 98%R Mastitis -4.2 Fert. Índice +1.1
Vida P. +0.7 96%R Livability -0.5 Vaquilla Liv. -0.2
Fertilidad +1.1 94%R HCR +1.5 RCC +2.5
RFI -86 25641m  3.7%  956f  3.1%  792p
Feed guardado +441 48%R 1190 Dtrs  350 Herds  61% US


12/2021 RESUMEN PARTO SCE 2.8 %
Facilidad Parto – Macho 2.8% 96%C 1845 Obs
Facilidad Parto – Hembra 3.8% 94%C 953 Obs
Sire Stillbirth 6.4% 90%C 1825 Obs
DaughterStillbirth 6.2% 90%C 776 Obs


12/2021 RESUMEN TIPO TPI +1970
Tipo -0.67 94%C Ubre+0.17 Patas y Piernas+0.77 Condición Corp. -2.34 408 D / 193 H
-2 -1 0 1 2
Estatura -2.52 Short  
Fortaleza -2.17 Frail  
Profundidad -2.16 Shallow  
Carácter Lechero -0.44 Tight  
Ángulo Grupa -3.68 High pins  
Anch. Entre Isquiones -1.34 Narrow  
Patas Traseras -Vista Lateral +1.03 Sickle  
Patas Traseras – Vista Tras. +0.24 Straight  
Ángulo Pezuña -0.59 Low  
Patas y Pezuña +0.25 High  
Inserción Anterior Ub. +0.14 Strong  
Altura Ubre Trasera -0.70 Low  
Anch. Ubre Trasera -0.76 Narrow  
Ligamento Ubre -0.42 Weak  
Profundidad Ubre +0.17 Shallow  
Colocación Pezón Frontal +0.18 Close  
Colo. Pezones Traseros -0.09 Close  
Longitud Pezónes -1.34 Short  

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Northwind Webster Lona-ET RC VG-88
04-00 2x 365d 39430m 4.4 1743f 3.0 1196p

Abuelo Materno:

Delta Webster-ET TV

Abuela Materna:

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Grandmother: Viland Aerostar LISA EX-91

4-00 305 4-00 305 15’377 kg 4,3% F 3,0% P.

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No Storm, no Rubens and no Stadel Blood in this pedigree Good in type and Feet & legs in Switzerland
LOGAN Red is one of the best proven RH bulls in Switzerland and has available semen! Semen from LOGAN Red is in high demand Worldwide!

Ease of Calving / Leichte Geburten / vélage facile. Good mating for Heifers / Sehr leicht

Abkalbung / Taureau idéal pour saillir les génisses!

In the USA, we mixed semen with our highest fertile bulls to get increased fertility in the large Holstein dairies and non-registered herds.
Exemple: Mix of 3 bulls with 40 Millions sperms per straw

LOGAN Red + ITALIA Red + SEVEN P Red = Mix 7
LOGAN Red + KRAFTY Red + SEVEN P Red = Mix 8


Great Udder!

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Logan LEA Red VG-88 CH

LEA Red = Logan Red x Lionel
Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire: Gremaud-Schuwey, La Léchère Farm, Bulle, FR Switzerland

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Logan MIMOSA RF VG-89 4 y. CH

Mimosa RF = Logan Red x Stardust RF
Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire: Patrick Reymond, Cerneux, NE Suisse

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Nephew: Northwind LEONID Red VG 87 USA

Leonid Red = Marmax x Paradox

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Raez Logan RENATE VG-85

Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire: Raez Fritz, Rapperswil, BE Switzerland

Great udder, feet and legs!

Fantastic Lactation:

– 12’127 kg (26’680 lbs.) 4,12 % Fat 3,26 % Prot.
– 3-08 2x 379 15’352 kg (33’774 lbs.) 3,79% Fat 3,12% Prot.

Switzerland is a mountainous and cheese producing country! We need cows with good legs who can walk in

pastures and eat a maximum of grass and hay to be able to produce milk with enough fat and protein!

This is the case with most of Logan’s daughters!

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Great Udder of Renate Red with correct teats!

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Udder/ Euter/ Pis of Renate Red


First Logan Red daughters classified “VG” / Les premières filles de Logan Red classifiées “VG” / Die erste Logan Red Toechter mit “VG” im Type


First Logan Red daughters classified “VG” / Les premières filles de Logan Red classifiées “VG” / Die erste Logan Red Toechter mit “VG” im Type

Daughter / Tochter / Fille Score Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire
– Oppliger Logan Visa Red VG 89 4 y. Peter Oppliger La Ferrière NE Suisse
– Reymond Logan Mimosa RF VG 89 4 y. Patrick Reymond Cerneux NE Suisse
– Bietchlands Logan Neptune RF VG 87 3 y. Kolly-Dousse Farm Essert Suisse
– La Léchère Logan Lea Red VG 88 4 y. Gremaud-Schuwey farm Bulle CH
– Reymond Logan Muguet RF VG 86 4 y. Patrick Reymond Cerneux NE Suisse
– Oppliger Logan Rodesia Red VG 85 3 y. Oppliger Gebrueder Toffen BE Schweiz
– Hoek-Tex Logan 11921 RF VG 85 2 y. Hoekman Gerard Dublin Texas USA
– Reymond Logan Mimosa RF VG 89 4 y. Patrick Reymond Cerneux NE Suisse
– Raez Logan Renate Red VG 85 3 y. Raez Fritz & Gaspar Rapperswil BE Schweiz

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Green Meadow Logan DAY Red VG-87

Logan Red x EX-90 mother by Cole RF x EX-92 grandmother by Jordan Red EX-90 Owner: Green Meadow Farm Michigan, USA

1–10 312 23’470 lbs. (10’668 kg) 802 lbs. Fat 708 lbs. Protein

2–10 280 28’820 lbs. (13’100 kg ) 1006 lbs. Fat 838 lbs. Protein

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Hoek-Tex Logan 11921 RF VG-85 2y

Owner: Hoek-Tex Farm, Texas, USA

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La léchère Logan Lea Red VG-88

Lea Red = Logan Red x Stadel Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire: Gremaud-Schuwey, La léchère, Bulle, FR, Suisse

2-06 2x 325 8’094 kg 4,66 % Fat 3,30% Prot.

3-06 2x 357 11’309 kg 4,42% Fat 3,34% Prot.

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Bietschland Logan Neptune RF VG-87 3y.

Neptune RF = Logan Red x Igniter BH
Owner / Besitzer / Propriétaire: Kolly-Dousse, Essert, FR, Switzerland
Picture: Expo Gruyère Bulle, Switzerland, 2010

2-03 2x 383 11’141 kg 3,5 % F 3,2% Prot.

3-05 2x 391 13’080 kg 3,37% F 3,22% Prot.

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